Here are some of my frontend projects using JavaScript, jQuery, React, Svelte, Nuxt, and APIs. 😎


Mobile Responsive project celebrating the color BLUE

HTML, CSS, Flexbox, Animate.css, animejs, jQuery


Static HTML Neighborhood project dedicated to Hell's Kitchen, its comic books characters, its Netflix tv shows and New York City.

HTML, Beauter, CSS, jQuery


Nuxt.js Statically Generated Streetwear Blog with Signin/Registration using Firebase Realtime DB + Nuxt Animations

Create-Nuxt-App, Nuxt.js, Vue.js, VueX, CSS, Nuxt Animations, Firebase, Git, Netlify


React App displays popular GitHub repos by programming language + stars, "battle" with GitHub user profiles, light/dark mode

React Hooks, Context, Class Fields Syntax, CSS, Code Splitting, GitHub API, Webpack, Git, Netlify


Svelte.js Single Page Application that allows user to create, edit, favorite, delete Meetups with data from Firebase, Svelte Animations

Svelte.js, CSS, Svelte Animations, Firebase, Rollup, AWS S3


Project using YouTube API to make a page of videos and be able to search for YouTube videos

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, YouTube API


React Tic Tac Toe App for 2 players with retroactive moves

Create-React-App, React, CSS, Git, ZEIT Now


Webpack configured Hacker News React App w/ Light/Dark Mode, Hooks, Context, Suspense + Lazy Loading

React, CSS, Webpack, Hacker News API, Git, Netlify


React-Redux Polls App allows you to vote in and conduct polls

Create-React-App, React, CSS, React-Redux, Thunk, React-Router, Redux Dev Tools, Git, ZEIT Now